<cfif IsDefined('cookie.amo_association') or IsDefined('pk_association')> <cfoutput> <cfif GetAssociation.title_tag neq ''> #GetAssociation.title_tag# - Error <cfelse> #GetAssociation.association_name# - Error </cfif> </cfoutput> <cfelse> Association Management Online : AMO - Error </cfif>




Your error tracking ID is #AddErrorToLog.generatedkey#

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try{ conf = {"access_token" = "#request.rollbar_token#", "use_ssl" = "false"}; rollbar = CreateObject("component","rollbarcfc.components.Rollbar").init(conf); user = {"id" = #rollbar_id#, "username" = "", "email" = ""}; try{ throw(type="Error", message="#error.type# - The PK_ASSOCIATION argument passed to the GetAssociation function is not of type numeric. If the component name is specified as a type of this argument, it is possible that either a definition file for the component cannot be found or is not accessible.
The error occurred on line 6."); } catch(any e){ if(rollbar.reportException(e, "error", user)) WriteOutput(""); } } catch(any e){ WriteDump(e); }