USACM Bylaws
USACM Bylaws
Updated July 24, 2024
The United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) is governed by the following Bylaws, adhered to by all members:
1.1 Name. This organization (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") shall be known as the "U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics."
1.2 Definition. Computational mechanics is that discipline of applied science and engineering which is devoted to the study of physical phenomena by means of computational methods, such as mathematical simulation and modeling.
1.3 Objective. The objective of the Association shall be to promote, foster, organize and coordinate various activities concerning computational mechanics in the United States and to represent U.S. interests in computational mechanics as an affiliate of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). The Association shall serve as a formal vehicle for overseeing and coordinating conferences, colloquia, symposia, and other technical meetings, and it shall promote and recognize research, commercial and academic activities in the general area of computational mechanics that take place within the United States. These functions shall be performed and coordinated on behalf of IACM. In particular, the Association shall provide the United States representation in the organization, planning and hosting of IACM congresses and shall periodically coordinate and organize U.S. conferences on computational mechanics.
2.1 Categories of Membership. Membership in the Association shall consist of the following categories: a) Individual Members; b) Student Members; c) Affiliate Members.
2.2 Individual Members. Individual membership shall be open to any U.S. resident (working or studying within the U.S.) engaged in, connected with or interested in computational mechanics and who is a graduate in engineering, science, mathematics, or possesses equivalent qualifications. Individual members are eligible to vote in USACM general elections.
2.3 Student Members. Student membership is open to full time students (undergraduate and graduate) who 1) participate in a Student Chapter of the Association if available at their institution and pay a student membership fee, or 2) pay student membership fee. Student members are not eligible to vote or hold office.
2.4 Affiliate Members: Individual membership shall be open to any non-U.S. resident engaged in, connected with or interested in computational mechanics and who is a graduate in engineering, science, mathematics, or possesses equivalent qualifications. Affiliate members pay dues and receive the same benefits as individual members, but are not eligible to vote or hold office.
3.1 Composition of the Executive Council. The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Council. The membership of the Executive Council shall consist of the Directors of USACM and the USACM Executive Committee. The Directors are those individuals named in the Association's Articles of Incorporation in the State of Texas. Subsequent Directors are selected as described below.
3.2 Composition of the Executive Committee. The affairs of the Association are conducted by the Executive Committee. The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of USACM and the Members-at-Large.
3.2 (a) The three Directors will consist of the two most recent Past-Presidents, each serving two consecutive two-year terms and a Senior Director, who will serve a term of four years. The Senior Director will be appointed by the Executive Committee. Upon resignation of any Director before their term is complete, a new Director will be appointed by the Executive Committee.
3.2 (b) Administration of the Association shall be provided by its Officers, which consists of a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. The other members of the Executive Committee are the Members-at-Large (no more than eight).
3.2 (c) Members of the Executive Committee shall be chosen so as to represent, as much as possible, larger constituents of computational mechanics interests throughout the United States. Executive Committee members shall be elected by Individual Members of the Association from a slate presented to them by the Executive Committee. Subject to IACM approval, a member of the Executive Committee shall be a member of the IACM Executive Committee and shall provide liaison between the Association and IACM. Subject to the approval of the U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM), an appointed Member of USACM shall present USACM on the USNC/TAM, and represent USNC/TAM interests in the Association.
3.3 Voting. Each Individual Member of the Association shall have one vote in the election of members of the Executive Committee and in such matters as are to be voted upon that are of broad concern to the Association.
3.4 Election of Executive Committee. The President, Vice-President, and Treasurer and Members-at-Large shall be elected by a simple majority of the vote of the Individual Membership, such vote to be held within six months prior to the period in which these officers shall hold office. The Executive Committee is empowered to set procedures for the election and terms of office as it deems appropriate.
3.5 Duties. The Executive Committee is empowered to establish such committees of the Association as it deems appropriate, to accept and act upon petitions from the membership, to set membership dues, approve the sites and dates for conferences sponsored by the Association, and to establish affiliations with other associations and societies.
3.6 Removal. A member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee.
4.1 Amendments and changes in the Association Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds majority of Individual Members of the Association casting votes. Electronic or mail ballots may be used to poll the members for votes on issues affecting the Association.
4.2 The Treasurer of the Association shall maintain a register of all members in good standing, these being only members who have paid annual dues. Voting members shall be those Individual Members of the Association in good standing.