

Founded in 2020, the mission of USACM-FRG is to

promote gender balance among the US

computational mechanics community and to

provide a supportive network for female researchers.

USACM-FRG is an affiliate of IACM-FRC.


CBMS Conference: Deep Learning and Numerical PDEs. See information under “Events”.

The IACM-Female Researchers Committee is offering Need-Based travel grants funded by the IACM, to attend WCCM_APCOM 2022 and support the participation of women in computational mechanics. 

The WCCM Need-Based Travel Grants are to help increase equity and inclusion among the members of the IACM community by covering costs associated with attending the meeting. 

The awards will cover the registration fees.

These awards are reserved for applicants who identify themselves as members of the community, have financial needs, and might otherwise not be able to attend the meeting. 

The candidate should provide:

  • 2-page CV
  • registration receipt or cost of registration
  • one-page statement highlighting why they would benefit from this award. 

The requested materials should be submitted to Prof. Anjali Sandip (anjali.sandip@und.edu) by July 25th, 2022.

Prof. Lucy Zhang appointed NSF Program Director

Prof. Lucy Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has been appointed a Program Director as part of the MOMS/BMMB Division. Congratulations, Lucy!

USNCCM16 Best Female Presentation Award Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Female Presentation Awards, announced at the 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27. These awards were sponsored by USACM and the Springer Journal: “Engineering with Computers.” They are as follows:


Runner up:  Elizabeth Livingston, University of Michigan

Winner:  Mahsa Tajdari, Northwestern University

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Runners up:  Adèle Veilleux, ONERA, France; Aishwarya Pawar, Purdue University

Winner:  Guanjin Wang, University of Maryland, College Park

Junior Faculty

Runner up: Pania Newell, University of Utah

Winner: Mona Eskandari, University of California, Riverside