USACM Virtual Summer Seminar Series

Open to all USACM Members and their students; registration required. 
Details for each presentation will be sent one week prior to all USACM members.

*All times listed are Central Time
For questions contact

June 11, 2020, 10am

 PresenterDr. Adrian Buganza Tepole, Purdue University

 TitlePredictive Models of Skin Through the Integration of Machine Learning and Computational Mechanics

 Video: Watch a recording of the seminar


June 17, 2020, 2pm

PresenterDr. Steve WaiChing Sun, Columbia University

TitleSome applications of graph theory in data-driven multiscale mechanics

VideoWatch a recording of the seminar 


June 25, 2020, 2pm

PresenterDr. John Evans, University of Colorado at Boulder

TitleData-Driven Turbulence Modeling and Simulation: From RANS to LES

 VideoWatch a recording of the seminar


July 1, 2020, 2pm

PresenterDr. Pania Newell, University of Utah

TitleExamining fracture behavior in heterogenous poro-elastic media from nano to macro-scale

VideoWatch a recording of the seminar 


 July 16, 2020, 1pm

PresenterDr. Kai James, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

TitleTopology optimization of self-actuating shape-memory polymer mechanisms

 VideoWatch a recording of the seminar



July 23, 2020, 2pm       RESCHEDULED

PresenterDr. Manuel Rausch, University of Texas at Austin

TitleImage- and experiment-based modeling of the forgotten right side: Right ventricle, tricuspid valve, and venous blood clot

VideoWatch a recording of the seminar